Feedback on current features and suggestions for new ones

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Copyright © 2025 Corpell, LLC and Incogneato.

Allow anonymous feedback via SMS Voting and Discussion Locked
We would like to be able to customize the text that comes up after you make a submission. Instead of "Thanks for your response." we'd like to be able to put something in specific to how our organization will be getting back to them. Voting and Discussion Locked Comments (1)
The current tags could be more useful if the text could be edited. I would like to use them, for example, to ask what general group a respondent is part of, so the "How would you describe your response" line doesn't make any sense. Thanks! Comments (1)
The Question Prompt option doesn't allow you to change that question type and make it optional. So if you are creating a survey and adding other questions and you need the survey to be all multiple choice, there is no way to do that. You have to start with that prompt and it is always required. That doesn't make any sense. Comments
Allow for the option of removing time and date from feedback and disabling notifications as a way to promote greater anonymity among respondents. Comments (2)
Ability to add custom CSS to a specific form or at least company/account wide. If we want to integrate the form to the page (via iframe or as a js widget) we always get the same design. It would be great to add couple of lines of CSS to make it look prettier. Comments
Allow there to be more than 1 administrator that can make boxes. If you want large companies to purchase this, you'll need to allow more persons to make boxes. Comments
Provide an option to not include the contents of feedback submissions in the email alert messages. Comments
Allow scheduled delivery of suggestions. For instance, if you get a lot of suggestions, allow your users to decide which days they would like them delivered to their mailbox. For example, I may only want my suggestions to be delivered on Friday afternoon. All suggestions received during the week will be in the portal, but won't be sent to my mailbox until the day I select. Voting and Discussion Locked
Provide the Box Owner an icon to categorize each response. For example, in it's simplest form, create 3 icons. One with a thumbs up (meaning positive feedback), one with thumbs down and one with a sideways thumb (neutral or good and bad). As well as a way to order them by this icon. This will allow the owner at a quick glance to focus on issues by this categorization. Comments
Ability to make responses "unread" again just like one can do with an email. The viewer can then go back and re-read the response another time. I believe that's how most users use the unread feature in mail. Or you can allow the user to put a flag icon on it as an alternative....or both! Comments
¡Please! ¡Make a Spanish version! Voting and Discussion Locked Comments (1)
It would be nice to be able to read your next response by clicking a 'next' button, rather than having to close it and open the next response. This is more useful when you are dealing with many (maybe 100+) of responses. Comments

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Copyright © 2023 Corpell, LLC and Incogneato.